Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy 3rd Anniversary Mr John Paul Tan!


Some girls are just lucky, but I am the luckiest. <3
Here's to the worst year ever which made it the best and most meaningful Anniversary ever!

You have made me the luckiest girl on earth from the moment I decided to take a chance with us in year 2009. It has been 3 awesome years. Thank you for spoiling me and you are the reason I am who I am today, for the better of course.

If there is any other word that is greater than Thank you and I love you, I would say them a million times.
If there is any greater way I can let you know how much I need you with me, I would have that way.
I will work my bones dry for you, for our future & family.
I love you darling, Happy 9th!  

Cheers to love & all the pain that it requires.
Glad you like your Video gift !! Heeheee



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