Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our Traditional Anniversary Picnic

Every year, we will make a point to spend some cheesy time at the beach. We fell in love with the sound of the waves and clarity we can find sitting there quiet and some point. This is where a tradition begins.

And our special night begins...

Picking him up from work! I know I shouldn't Cam whore on the road..
Get our picnic dinner!
On the mini bus to Siloso Beach after driving for so long..
Deviled Eggs made with LOVEEE <3

Deviled Eggs = 5 STARS!
The Wine.
Cheers to love.

Ending off with Ice cream in my car boot!
    Best day ever!

I wouldn't have had it any other way.. <3
Happy Anniversary again, Love.

P.S Readers: Stay Tune for Deviled Eggs post coming up soon!



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