Sunday, May 20, 2012


Had a wonderful Sunday Brunch with my lovely Eden (Amplify's Cafe Team) people at Evan's restaurant! The food was simply DELICOUS and I loved the company!!

I finally get to spend some bonding time with these crazy fellas I love quite dearly. I have been so busy teaching swimming, training as well as with Blessings, I hardly have anytime for anything. The rest of the time I have left, I'd reserve it for the boy - which is not much either. :(

So anyway!!! Enough of whining, check out the good food I had with my fav group of monsters!


Winston pigging away!

My Eden Monsters <3

Food prepared with love by: Chef Evan Po 
Review: 5 stars.
Cali Cafe
31 Rochester Drive
#01-01 hotel park avenue rochester
Singapore 138637
Nearest MRT: Buona Vista Station

My extremely colour coordinated friend: Clayton
Our chilling spot after Brunch - Starbucks.
Love the concept of a vintage starbucks!

 After which, I went to spend the rest of my sunday with John in town for some retail therapy, good dinner to celebrate my CPR certification as well as have some good ice cream! Its been months since we had the luxury of time and money to do this.





As you can see, you can't go wrong with Garlic Prawn Pasta!
Ending off with Coffee ice cream + Chocolate shavings & Marshmallows!

To end off, this is just for laughs.
Check out another of John's talent: STONING.

Go visit Cali Cafe when you can, you will not regret it. :)
Have a good week ahead!

So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. ~Genesis 29:22



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