Wednesday, May 23, 2012

DIY Weddings - Blessings + Wedrock

I had the most amazing meeting with my friend Jessica Claire Chew from Wedrock Weddings today. Never in my life I met a person so passionate about making some one's big day more perfect that her own. We talked flowers, corsages, DIY bouquets, unique themes, candles, faux, flower rings, pillows, flower baskets, invitation designs and possible collaborations! 

I have always thought of branching out my craft work to the wedding world. God is good.. this is my chance to have some fun & be a part of some one's big day dream come true!

No words can contain my excitement to get my hands on the things I intend to produce!

I can't wait to go shopping with Jess this coming Monday
I can't wait to see the end products
I can't wait to go for photoshoot with Adora & Tim with our DIY weddings products 
(Thanks Again!)

Thank you mama Mary & Daddy God!!
Watch this space for more DIY Wedding updates!
*feel so blessed*

Do not forget to visit & recommend


Jess said...

Hi Lynn! I'm really touched by your blog post, your positivity and the vibrant energy you've shown! I'm blessed by big Daddy with loads of Blessings to be working with you! It's a privilege, it's a joy and it's so promising! May we reap the fruits of our labour and through this experience, learn, grow and touch the lives of others (: Thanks once again for the support and companionship!

Lynn Adele Chng said...

Hey Jess! Trust me, i am extremely excited with what is to come for both of us. I can imagine us running around like busy bees and still loving it. Thank you for believing in my work too! :)
Love love!

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