Thursday, June 28, 2012

Love of my Life

R.I.P Miko Chng
2nd November 2000 - 26th June 2012

You've marked your paw prints in our hearts so deep it can never be replaced or mend. Don't even think about us forgetting you.. We will always miss you and thank you for your life and time with us. Thank you for welcoming us home everyday, this house is not the same without you.. it's so quiet here. Come back soon. 

I love you so much baby Koko.
I Miss you terribly.

Koko, Where are you?
Mam mam!
Let's Go!
Papa where?
Meimei come back alr
Mummy come back alr
Koko, pompom.

I will miss your cuteness, your smile, your hugs, your smell, your foot steps, your warmth while i sleep, your unfailing listening ears, your love, your care, your demands, your temprements, I will make your bed as long as papa don't give it away, your baby fur, your smelly mouth, your craziness after you bathe, your whines, scatching of door, your disappointed look, your puppy eyes. And especially the way you shake your butt or your little tail vigorously.

I will always still look out for pee on the floor before i go into the kitchen, make sure your water is clean, put a cup in the toilet just the way you like it, push the dining chairs in so you can't climb up and eat our food. I will miss you slamming your ass on me or my face when i am sleeping, your shivers when you hear loud noises, your desire for us to tickle your ear, feel your body on my feet while i work, i will sit in the many corners you always lay on. 

My life will be so different without you. Please watch over us and have fun with Happy, Precious and Dodo ok? I love you so muchh...

Come back soon..

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Character or Reputation

I have recently stumbled upon this banner on my cousin's Facebook wall, which really hits me in the head on how come I am so expressive most of the time, I couldn't care less about what others think of me. Of course there are times that those expressions are merely anger. But there are also many times it is because I believe in what I am saying and what is right.

What disturbs me is that people think the majority is always right, our parents are always right, "they have been doing it for so long" so it must be right, we are following our leaders, they can't be wrong. Our generations are filled with people who care more about what others think of them then who they really are or can be.

Why can't people have their own mind set? Even if they do have, why are implimenting changes so difficult? why do that one person gets condemned when he/she just wants to get things right.

I am sad to say, our generation is more about reputation than character.
Which explains underground activities in companies.
Low quality production for monetary reasons.
Low sense of compassion in a place which preaches compassion
People who can sleep soundly at night knowing they have caused someone's life and a chance to be happy again.

Which side are you on?
Character or reputation?
Love or the easy way out?
who you are or who they want you to be?

No one has any right to tell you how to live your life. its yours.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Baby Tricia's 1st Month Party - This is how the 'CHNGS' does it.

Last Sunday was by beloved baby niece's 1st month baby shower. We all come together (once again) to share Lives, Love and Laughter. Did I mention how much I love my Family? We are known as the bunch who always find any reason we can just to meet up and have fun. I never once feel dreadful about it, there is nothing more I can ever ask for..

So these are the usual things we do:



Everyone took their turn to carry this precious lil Gem

Grandma & I!

Tricia's eyes are perpectually like this


Skyping Da Jie Jie & Coralie over at Canada
Feel the bond and the love.


Welcome to the most amazing family dear little one.


Monday, June 4, 2012

[Testimony, Jesus Spoke again] - Faith Hope Joy Love Peace.

During this prep camp, I held back when it was testimony time. Part of me is saying "let other people have the chance to share" and another part is saying, "C'mon, let people know the beautiful things Jesus said to you!"  Yes, of course, those who were there will know I did not share in the end. 

This is why I am here today.
This is what this post is about.

I am known as the "cryer" when the holy spirit takes over. It is my way of expressing myself in the super natural way. Everytime I get prayed over, I will be obedient to surrender my all to the Lord, which leads me to rest in the spirit (also as known as slain)


I would usually have a whole list of things to demand, be thankful for or be sorry for during healing. but No, not this time.. everyone was praising God, waiting for their turn to pray over and the next one was me.. It went like this:

Me: "Jia lat Jia lat(die la die la), I have nothing to pray about already, what I needed to pray about was already done just now, and I know healing is taking place. What if the adult ask me what I want to pray for? I wouldn't know what to say! Jia lat..Jia...

As when I was blabbering to myself. A lady reached out her hands and say, "Come Girl, your turn". 

Me: *Shocks face* "er... er.. ohh.. ok.." *walked over to the healing team*
Lady: "close your eyes, and I will pray for you... Lord grant her the spirit of Peace and the spirit of Joy..." (And that hit bulls eye into my heart)
Me:  "I always rest in the spirit because I surrender.. but I think I have control over my own body.. maybe this time I should test the Lord! I HAVE CONTROL OVER MY BODY.. NO I WILL NOT FALL..No I will not fall! No i will not.....*and I rested*" #Jesuswinsagain

As I was resting I felt extreme peace and joy in my heart. As I let the holy spirit over take me, Jesus appeared to me.. It was good to see him again.

Jesus sat beside me and laughed at my determination to not rest... 
 Me: "Can you not always sit beside me?"
Jesus: "huh, why? where do you want me to be?"
Me: "be inside of me!"

Jesus stood up and begin to sat on me and try to position himself the way I was laying down (like how you see it in the ghost movies). He lay down and sat up, turned around and said: "like this?" I answered in delight, "Yep! like this!" 

And he begin doing something to me.. I saw my hands, eyes, ears and mouth glow.. I heard my laughter and I saw many hands of mine..

Jesus: "I am anointing your hands to do things you will never imagine. You are capable because I made you to be.. Your eyes to read people, ears to listen and smile and laughter to made someone's day."
Me: *lay down in awe of him"
Jesus looked at me and say, "you can't remember right? your purpose of this?"
Me: "heh heh..."
Jesus: "Remember you primary school classes? Faith, Hope, Joy, Love, Peace? I bless you, with the Faith that you have, you will touch & comfort people which will give them Hope
Laughter and smile which will bring them Joy
which will all come out of Love
And there shall be Peace in your heart."
Me: *over whelmed and loved* "I can lay here all day......."
Jesus: "No dear, go and spread the love and gifts I have given to you!"
Me: "A little while more please............."
Jesus: *held my hands* No.. now..
Me: -.-" Alright.
Our God is a God who saves. 
A God who loves and
A God who gave.

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. ~Job 8:21


Sunday, June 3, 2012

The "God" we think we know.

All ready and pumped up for AWAKEN this June 14th - 17th. I am still amazed how God has his ways of just coming to us. Whether is it now or much later, or even at some of our death beds maybe. I still don't understand and I don't think I will ever because it will be too much for be to handle. His love is just.. is just.

You know I get criticisms about me being too enthusiatic about serving God, relating every single thing that happened in my everyday life and hold God responsible to it? I only get those when I hold God responsible for the smallest most beautiful things like for example "how my Dog came to me and be by my side when I was feeling down, Thank you Lord for sending a friend." I don't see anything wrong with that.

I am simply thanking God for the smallest things, everything.

You may say.. but God didn't make all that happen? How would you know? Did you see it? Hold it... does it matter? What matters is that you believe it.. and if you don't then respect it. I don't remember forcing anyone to be in together with me as since I decided to serve God with my soul for the last 5 years. Because I respect.

Strange, how people refuse to hold God responsible for the smallest most beautiful things, but the worst. Yea, I am not saying he is not responsible. He is. So? HE BETTER BE. he created us and this and everything around you.. I think he has the right to piece his own puzzle for whatever reason he has.

I get angry too.. I am no different from you.
But we don't belong here & this doesn't belong to us. It belongs to him.

Fact is. He has changed me and you know it.


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