I have recently stumbled upon this banner on my cousin's Facebook wall, which really hits me in the head on how come I am so expressive most of the time, I couldn't care less about what others think of me. Of course there are times that those expressions are merely anger. But there are also many times it is because I believe in what I am saying and what is right.
What disturbs me is that people think the majority is always right, our parents are always right, "they have been doing it for so long" so it must be right, we are following our leaders, they can't be wrong. Our generations are filled with people who care more about what others think of them then who they really are or can be.
Why can't people have their own mind set? Even if they do have, why are implimenting changes so difficult? why do that one person gets condemned when he/she just wants to get things right.
I am sad to say, our generation is more about reputation than character.
Which explains underground activities in companies.
Low quality production for monetary reasons.
Low sense of compassion in a place which preaches compassion
People who can sleep soundly at night knowing they have caused someone's life and a chance to be happy again.
Which side are you on?
Character or reputation?
Love or the easy way out?
who you are or who they want you to be?
No one has any right to tell you how to live your life. its yours.
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